Draft Recommendations
The Minnesota legislature enacted legislation on May 22, 2024, directing the DNR to form and lead the Gas Resources Technical Advisory Committee (GTAC). The multi-agency committee was charged with developing recommendations on a temporary regulatory framework for regulating gas projects during rulemaking. Specifically, GTAC was required to provide recommendations on the following topics:
Statutory and policy changes that govern permitting requirements and processes:
- Statutory and policy changes that govern permitting requirements and processes
- Financial assurance
- Taxation
- Boring monitoring and inspection protocols
- Environmental review
- Other topics (e.g. well construction)
- Minimizing environmental impacts and reclamation
GTAC is a committee of representatives of five agencies who have worked together to create the draft recommendations. The agencies are:
- Environmental Quality Board (EQB)
- Department of Health (MDH)
- Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
- Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)
- Department of Revenue (DOR)
The committee is charged with delivering recommendations and proposed legislation to the legislature by January 15, 2025. The committee is required to hold one public meeting on this topic and consider testimony from stakeholders and Tribes.
The process for developing the recommendations and legislation has included convening the agencies that formed GTAC, engaging gas exploration consultants, holding committee meetings, developing draft recommendations. Moving forward the process includes engaging Tribes and stakeholders, holding public meetings, and finalizing the draft recommendations.
GTAC Recommendations
For the full text of the draft recommendations and draft statutory language, please download the linked PDF document
For high level overviews of each agency’s recommendations check out the linked PDF documents below.
- Minnesota Department of Natural Resources – DNR overview
- Minnesota Department of Health – MDH overview
- Environmental Quality Board – EQB overview
- Minnesota Pollution Control Agency – MPCA overview
- Minnesota Department of Revenu – DOR overview
Detailed recommendations below are categorized by state agency and are in the following format:
- Agency background
- Recommendation
- Support for recommendation
- Referenced related statutory language
Following the recommendations are drafted statutory language that supports the recommendations.
The draft statutory language for all five GTAC agencies is below: