GTAC's final recommendations have been submitted!
Review the documents |
Gas resources in Minnesota?
Minnesota has untapped and unexplored potential for both geologic hydrogen and helium resources. With no history of gas production in the state, Minnesota needs a framework that would regulate these emergent industries to properly protect natural resources and human health, develop a fair royalty structure on state-managed lands and ensure the conservation of the state’s natural resources.
What is GTAC?
In May 2024 the Minnesota Legislature directed the formation of a Gas Resources Technical Advisory Committee (GTAC). Representatives from the following state agencies are part of the Advisory Committee
- Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
- Minnesota Department of Health (MDH)
- Environmental Quality Board (EQB)
- Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)
- Minnesota Department of Revenue (DOR)
GTAC focuses on developing a framework for consideration of permit applications for development of gas resources.

What are we doing now?
GTAC conducted a public input period on draft recommendations and draft statutory language during December 2 – 23, including two public in-person meetings. GTAC considered all public input as well as input from Tribal Governments and finalized the recommendations and draft legislative language in a report submitted to the legislature on January 15, 2025.
Project timeline
See a simple timeline of how the 24-month expedited rulemaking process is taking place at the same time that GTAC is working to support the permitting of gas production projects under a temporary framework.